On Babble, an online magazine and community for parents, there was a recent article on the dilema of a mother being friends of the mother of a child she can't stand. This mother adores her mommy friend, but the child is somewhat of a different story. It's a relief to see that someone else feels this way. I have a mommy friend whom I adore. She is also someone that I can talk openly with about anything, I can yell at the armadillo in front of her and not feel ashamed. She is someone that I feel comfortable with and enjoy spending time with. Her little boy though is a different story.
He is close in age to the armadillo and they have known each other since before they were walking. He is a sweetheart, sweet like candy. But when he and the aramdillo get together, he seems more like a bad apple. This little boy pushes, hits, steals and terrorizes my armadillo. Sometimes to the point where he is chasing the armadillo around, while my armadillo is screaming "NO!". I do not feel comfortable disciplining someone else's child. It's not my place. I'll only do it if his mommy is not around, but I still don't feel at ease doing it. My friend does her best at disciplining, she really does, but he still insists on acting out. I can't help but feel sorry for her sometimes. I see other parents give a disapproving look when he misbehaves. Then I feel protective of my mommy friend and tend to give stinky looks back to these people, as if saying, "What's that look for? You don't know who she is ... you don't know her child ... like your child doesn't misbehave ... ever!". But then, maybe if I was in their place I would have done the same thing. I hate that.
The boys are older now and the armadillo is now somewhat taking a stand against these appalling behaviors. But they still occur. I don't see my mommy friend too much anymore. What with the distance, she moved, and the additions to the families, it gets harder and harder to get together.
But there's no rule saying that I can't get together with my mommy friend sans kids. I think I'll call on her to get together for lunch. I think we can manage that.
Photo credit: Babble