... Of course it can. Taking care of 2 boys under the age of 3 is proving to be a lot more challenging this week than it was last month, or so it seems. Gone it seems are the days of tending to 1 child at a time. These days I'm multi-tasking between saying "No!" ... "Stop!" and trying to sit up the other one after he tilts over on to his face. Can you guess who I'm picking up and who I'm demanding that he put down that glass he's holding between his teeth? Be-geezus. The armadillo is in the stage of defiance. No more are the looks of innocence when I catch him doing something bad. Now I get his glare of antagonism and the hitting of inanimate objects around him. Whoa where did that fury come from? I guess one could say that he is a normal 2 year old but I abhor the normalcy of 2 year old peevishness and crabbiness. Why can't toddlers be loving and well behaved, ALL the time? Why is that conduct out of the norm? Is it to test my patience as a parent? I can tell you that it's working ... the trying of my patience that is. But of course it wasn't meant to be and that he is right on course to be an ideal 2 year old ... full of remarkable, intriguing, mischevious and sometimes peculiar behaviors.
I'm somwhat relieved to know that the armadillo's friends all have some sort of James Dean rebellion in them and I'm not alone. It seems lately when I get together with my mama friends we all have some sort of story to tell, our mama-wartime tales.
The sumo baby has yet to hit the insurgence of toddlerhood but he's firmly set in his goal of crawling. That has led to a number of face plants into the bed, rug, floor, mat, etc ... you name it. This prevents me from going more than 2 feet away from him as I always have to rush back to pick him up. Thank goodness for the Bumbo seat I say. I can plant him in there and not have to worry so much that he'll tip over. Though he is getting stronger and more squirmy, and that puts him in such awkward positions in the seat that I still have to go back and adjust his placement.
My boys ... I love 'em but they sure can be a couple of poops sometimes.