I hate being sick. What’s worse than being sick? Worse is having a sick child to take care of as well. I really shouldn’t complain. I guess it could be worse. I could have 2 sick children to care for, but thankfully the lil’ lamb is doing fine. Whew! But poor armadillo, he had a fever yesterday, over 101. We gave him some Tylenol and that did the trick. Today his temperature is back to normal and he has refilled his tank of “mischief” and was busy making good on what he could not last night. I on the other hand you could say is faring a bit better. So far I’m fighting a stuffy nose, sneezing and a big-time nasal drip … eewwww! I hate being sick. The armadillo and I were sick 2 weeks ago, and now we’re sick again. I guess I’m going to have to get used to that since the armadillo has been meeting up w/his playgroup with all of his little buddies. I know we’re bound to catch something every month at least. Something to look forward to.
The latest DVD’s B-Dad and I managed to squeeze out time for in the last month were Lord of War, Jarhead and Wedding Crashers. I can’t say that I would recommend any of them, maybe Jarhead if I had to recommend something.
Here’s my DVD pick of the week … The Game starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. The movie is a bit old, it was released in 1997, but this movie doesn’t age. You know how some movies you can tell just by the clothes, scenery, etc … how old the film is, but with The Game, the film just doesn’t age. Storyline is brilliant and I’m a fan of Michael Douglas and Sean Penn. If you haven’t seen this movie I highly recommend it … 5 stars!
Here’s a brief synopsis from Amazon :
Nicholas Van Orton is a very wealthy San Francisco banker, but he is an absolute loner, even spending his birthday alone. In the year of his 48th birthday (the age his father committed suicide) his brother Conrad, who has gone long ago and surrendered to addictions of all kinds, suddenly returns and gives Nicholas a card giving him entry to unusual entertainment provided by something called Consumer Recreation Services (CRS). Giving up to curiosity, Nicholas visits CRS and all kinds of weird and bad things start to happen to him.
If you live in the Bay Area like me, this movie is a perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.