Watch out world, the armadillo and sumo baby are driving. Well, not for real, but in a video game sense. Influenced by some friends, B-Dad bought the latest X-Box and some racing game, Forenza-something I think. It's supposed to be highly realistic, as if you were racing a real car. B-Dad even bought the steering wheel control, two of them.
I was against this at first, but my mama friend and I were thinking that our husbands could play together and we could leave the kids with them. Fabulous idea. It hasn't happened yet though, but I anticipate it soon. B-Dad and his friends are trying to expand their little racing club so a playdate is imminient.
I tried the game for the first time last night. I didn't realize that the car you pick drives like the car would in real life. Boy I can't tell you how many times I crashed or spun out of control. Good thing it was just a game. The armadillo and sumo baby likes to take turns on who's driving and who's pressing the pedals. The control itself is split up into two components, the wheels and the pedals. But sometimes you know both will want to drive or push the pedals, thus an argument ensues. Loads of fun ... and terrific for your concentration ... picture this ... two boys screaming and crying while you're trying to make that hairpin turn at 90 mph. Not happening.