Today both the lil' lamb and the armadillo went to the doctor's for their well-baby check ups. I don't know about the armadillo or the lil' lamb, but I think I was dreading this appointment more than the boys were. I knew they were going to get shots and I hate hearing them cry in pain. Does it get any easier? I don't think it will but I hope so. I told B-Dad that he had to come with me because there was no way I was going to take the two of them in by myself.
The armadillo has grown since his last appoitment six months ago. At two years of age, he is 36 inches long and weighs almost 27 lbs. He's a stringbean. The armadillo has always been more long than heavy. I can't believe that he is 3 feet tall already. That's more than 1/2 my height! The lil' lamb is 26 inches long and weighs about 15 1/2 lbs. I could have sworn he weighed more like 17 lbs. My back will attest to that. Both boys are in the 90th percentile for height. I hope that stays that way. I couldn't say from experience but I hear it's not fun being of the male gender and short. Ah, the worries of the male human.
When it came time for the shots I was a complete coward. I left it up to B-Dad to hold the boys down. I hated doing that with the armadillo. He would scream and stare right at me. As if saying, "Why are you doing this to me?! Don't you love me mommy?!" No more acting as the restraints for me. I ask the nurse to bring in another person. I don't know how B-Dad does it. My heart ached when I heard the armadillo start crying before he had his shot. Then my heart just about exploded with sadness when the lil' lamb started to wail. I could never be a pediatric nurse. You just know those kids think of you as a she-devil that is going to cause them an enormous amount of pain.
All in all both boys are doing fine. The armadillo goes back in 6 months and the lil' lamb returns in 2 months. Not something mama is looking forward to, that's for sure.